Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Intro to Movement!

For my first lesson with my kindergartners I wanted to ease them into moving and discover new and familiar ways they can move their bodies. We started out in a circle sitting and I went over the 3 basic rules/expectations I have for all my classes: BE Safe, BE Respectful, BE a mover. Then we did a fun stop and go moving activity. I plaid a song that had various pauses so when the music was playing they would follow along by moving one body part and when it stopped we all froze. We continued through all the body parts and eventually moved to standing and moving our whole bodies. The students really enjoyed the game of having to freeze and getting all their wiggles out!

I then went over the 5 basic locomotor steps (walk, run, jump, hop, leap) and had a specific signal on the drum for each one. They picked them up a lot quicker than I thought! Then we got to dance with ribbons to a fun song while I yelled out a locomotor step every once and a while to make sure they remembered them. The kids really enjoyed dancing and were excited for the challenges I gave them.